I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow.
I hold a PhD in economics from Ecole Polytechnique (France). Here is my CV.
Interests: entrepreneurship, financial intermediation, corporate finance, insurance.
Contact: vlyonnet@umich.edu
Build or Buy? Human Capital and Corporate Diversification, Cond. Accepted, Review of Financial Studies.
with Paul Beaumont and Camille Hébert
Stereotypes About Successful Entrepreneurs, 2023, AER Papers & Proceedings. Internet Appendix. [nonrefereed]
with Léa Stern
Can Risk be Shared Across Investor Cohorts? Evidence from a Popular Savings Product, 2022, Review of Financial Studies. Internet Appendix.
with Johan Hombert
Invoicing Currency and Financial Hedging, 2022, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Internet Appendix.
with Julien Martin and Isabelle Méjean
Working papers:
Why do Traditional and Shadow Banks Coexist? R&R, Review of Financial Studies.
Lead author - with Edouard Chrétien
Machine Learning About Venture Capital Choices, Sept. 2024.
with Léa Stern
Selected work in progress:
Declining Business Formation and the Rise of Superstar Firms
with Jack Liebersohn
What do Early Stage Investors Ask? An LLM Analysis of Expert Calls
with Amin Shams and Shaojun Zhang
How Do Life Insurers Manage Liquidity Risk?
Which Firms Produce which Type of Innovation?
Entrepreneurial Finance (Ross BBA)
Venture Capital Finance (Ross MBA)
Private Equity Finance (Ross MBA)
Corporate Finance (Chicago Booth MBA)
Corporate Finance (Ohio State University Undergraduate)
The Financial Economics of Insurance (Ohio State University Finance PhD program)
Entrepreneurship (Ohio State University Finance PhD program)
Mathematics for Economists (Sciences-Po Graduate)
Mathematics for Economists (Sciences-Po Graduate)
Financial Markets (HEC Paris Undergraduate)
Mathematics for Economists (Sciences-Po Graduate)
Graduate Macroeconomics 3 (Sciences-Po PhD Track)
Mathematics for Economists (Sciences-Po Graduate)
Graduate Macroeconomics 3 (Sciences-Po PhD Track)
International Trade (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Graduate Macroeconomics 3 (Sciences-Po Graduate)
Financial Markets (Sciences-Po)
Macroeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Open Macroeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Microeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Macroeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Macroeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)
Microeconomics (ENSAE Undergraduate)